Tuesday, May 25, 2010

32 weeks

So the doctor's appointment went fine, blood pressure was a lil high...but it was also after about 5 attempts to even get the machine to read. The most outrageous news of all? THEY SAID I GAINED 16 POUNDS IN A WEEK!!!! Hahaha, I know for sure that is not possible. They have a small floor scale, the old kind with a round dial and I am so sure it was off :)

The only thing I didn't like was having to argue with the doc about frequent ultrasounds (it's been 6 weeks since I've had one). I told him the genetic counselors told me it was vital in pregnancy for frequent and detailed ultrasounds to watch the baby's growth. He told me, "If there is a problem there is nothing to intervene."

WHAT!?!?!?! If there is a problem I NEED TO KNOW SO WE CAN PREPARE THE BEST OPTIONS!!! I wasn't happy, and it made me miss my old doctor's in Kansas City even more. I do have an ultrasound scheduled for Friday morning!

And I think I fixed it so you can leave comments now, so sorry!


Michele said...

YAY! Comments work!

I'm sorry about the dr.... I know it is too late to change OBs, but what a punk!

Tammy On the Go said...

I have some catching up to do!